
“When we honor a transition, we have to slow down. When we slow down, we drop into our bodies where our emotions live. When we acknowledge and process our emotions, we become kinder, more compassionate, and more spiritually evolved human beings.” ~Sheryl Paul

Transitions in life are usually marked by major events; birthdays, weddings, graduations, divorce, loss, death, illness, moves, and job changes. These transitions require respect, honor, and time. Most positive transitions are marked with large ceremonies, rituals, parties, gifts, and are met with much thought and reflection.

Very often the challenging and painful transitions (such as losing a pet) or having a loved one suffer through a heart attack aren’t met with the same acknowledgement. When we move through pain and loss we often don’t take the time needed to honor and process our journey appropriately.

For instance, our neighbors and friends from across the street recently had to put down their beloved cat Cha Cha who had seen them lovingly through many of these transitions in life. They were devastated and honored Cha by recalling comforting memories that they had. The pain was deep for all but mostly for David who was constantly comforted and loved by Cha.


David and Teri both went back to work immediately, but it was David who suffered a heart attack because of the stress of the loss. (He is recovering after surgery and doing well). His wife Teri became an instant and unexpected caregiver during an already heart tugging time. They needed, love, peace, and time… we all do.

Perhaps these experiences will give us permission to take the time we need to honor the inevitable transitions we will encounter in the future.

How have you honored a challenging or painful transition your life? We would love to hear.