
I love everything about a New Year. A clean slate is presented to each and everyone of us, the air is rich with possibility, and our innate desire to create rises to the surface. I have fun setting intentions on New Years Eve with my husband Stephen and toasting to them with a glass of bubbly by the fire while visualizing them. We usually begin on a grand worldwide scale and eventually end up with very personal intentions. It is a powerful interactive exercise and extremely inspirational. It’s an evening of prayers for our world, our loved ones, and our own lives.

New years Eve is also extra special to us because it is our Anniversary. Magic seems to hang in the air. Because we usually go out to a very special dinner and return home to jammies, champagne, intentions, and a fire. The following evening I like to make a romantic dinner at home. This year I came up with a very simple, decadent, light, and satisfying dish… Roasted Shrimp with Lemon Sauced Angel Hair & Pine Nuts.

It’s a keeper (if I do say so myself) and it is quick and easy. Stephen kept talking about the lemon sauced pasta for days after and it was on this night that I shared a rather large personal intention I had for myself. It was quite exciting so I would like to dare you to do the same. What is something so big you want for yourself that it might make you a little uncomfortable to share or bring in a little fear? Does it push you out of your comfort zone? If the answer to one or both of these questions is yes, I am pretty sure it is one intention you are supposed to set into motion.

What are some of your New Years traditions? Would you like to share an intention of yours for the New Year? We would love to hear.

From my heart to yours.